Euphoria Mugs

A princess 
strawberry cake who studies in the school of Royals.  In pinkendale in Euphoria. A sweet girl who possesses powers. And helps out Aurora to solve the mystery of the jewel Eunoia

A Princess

A princess, strawberry cake who studies in the school of Royals. In pinkendale in Euphoria. A sweet girl who possesses powers. And helps Aurora to solve the mystery of the jewel Eunoia.

WhatsApp Image 2025-02-20 at 6.15.54 PM (1)

Princess Kiara Ravener

An elite student, who studies in Royal school in Pinkendale in Euphoria, a friend who teams up with Aurora to help solve the mystery of the Euphoria land.

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Princess Kiara Ravener

An elite student, who studies in Royal school in Pinkendale in Euphoria, a friend who teams up with Aurora to help solve the mystery of the Euphoria land.

Aurora Weldon 
Young Wisard studying, in the wizard school of Gregoria in Euphoria. The girl who sets out to find the mystery of the jewel Eunoia that powers the land of Euphoria.

Aurora Weldon

Young Wizard studying, in the wizard school of Gregoria in Euphoria. The girl who sets out to find the mystery of the jewel Eunoia that powers the land of Euphoria.

WhatsApp Image 2025-02-20 at 6.15.55 PM

Princess Kiara Ravener

An elite student, who studies in Royal school in Pinkendale in Euphoria, a friend who teams up with Aurora to help solve the mystery of the Euphoria land.

WhatsApp Image 2025-02-22 at 8.43.19 PM

Werewolf Paw Print

werewolf paw print, resembles the werewolf’s pack spirit

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